
See my professional story, or download my pdf resume.


Review some of my app work and fun coding examples


A sample of my speaking engagements here, with videos and podcasts.

Articles and Press Releases

Examples of studies and press related to new initiatives and programs.

Ion Nemteanu

The architect of this whole architecture

Hands-on AI executive with a deep academic perspective. Practical experience with statistics, machine leaning, AI, and software development. Focus on leveraging the newest tech to solve business problems and delivering proven value. Passion for driving AI strategies to deliver lasting impact and profitability.

Ion Nemteanu

The architect of this whole architecture

  • Executive - Led Team Large and Small
  • Data Scientist - Deep Knowledge of AI
  • Full Stack Developer - Codes like Crazy
  • Academic - Teaches Biz and Data Sci
  • Speaker - Influencer
  • Product Owner - Develops for the User

What People Are Saying

Take a look at my LinkedIn References

  • "Produced innovative ideas for solving roadblocks and keeps both the company and customer in mind when designing solutions"

    Amy, Sr. Director
  • "Able to quickly assess a situation, determine its cause, and forecast future effects"

    Gene, CEO